Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The 1 to 1 Computer Initiative does not Produce Measurable Results!

Looking for some help from my new personal learning network.  The following is two snippets from an email exchange I had with one of my district's board members.  I don't think he would mind me posting this, especially if it produces the results I hope it will.  

"Just wondering if there has been any more talk about going to a 1 to 1 (student/computer) setup in the near future. With having moodle, google docs, and other free software at our disposal, this really would be such an easy and beneficial transition! I know this has been discussed in past board meetings and thought you would definitely be the person to ask for an update. " - me

"Yes. The topic just came up in a discussion with Al. I am still convinced it is the future, but I am not getting the evidence from other schools that it actually produces measurable improvement." - Board Member

So, I am hoping that some of you have bookmarked sites that I can forward on that will shed some light on this matter. I personally do not see the any evidence that pencils, papers, or blackboards produce any measurable results either, but I do not think the philosophical argument is going to put laptops in our students hands. Help with this one is greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. I personally don't have any stats 4 you- try the UK & Australia- seriously- for long term datas they're more likely to have more & better data for just about any edutech- good luck, Doll!
